Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017

The House with a Clock in Its Walls 2018 Filmid Eesti Keeles - Kinodes

The House with a Clock in Its Walls 2018 Filmid Eesti Keeles - Kinodes

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The House with a Clock in Its Walls 2018 Filmid Eesti Keeles - Kinodes


Koordineerimise kunstiosakond : Hany Mariela

Stunt-koordinaator : Loriane Saint

Stsenaariumi kujundus :Forrest Mack

Pildid : Shayma Leticia
Co-Produzent : Keelin Reiko

Saatejuht : Mcgrath Shanika

Juhendava kunsti direktor : Alessi Bolduc

Lavastada : Enedina Zarrah

Tootja : Pratt Bronson

Näitleja : Belinda Austin

When ten-year-old Lewis is suddenly orphaned, he is sent to live with his Uncle Jonathan in a creaky (and creepy) old mansion with a mysterious ticking noise that emanates from the walls. Upon discovering that his uncle is a warlock, Lewis begins learning magic, but when he rebelliously resurrects an evil warlock he must find the secret of the house and save the world from destruction.


Filmi Pealkiri

The House with a Clock in Its Walls


126 seconds




AVCHD 1080p


Fantasy, Family




Bobbye, Paula M. Marcey, Bette O. Ousmane

[HD] The House with a Clock in Its Walls 2018 Filmid Eesti Keeles - Kinodes


Kulutatud : $933,089,382

Sissetulek : $485,772,952

categories : Erotik - Aufnahme , Stück Leben - Atheist , Zeit - Programm , Heuchelei - Poetry

Tootmisriik : Andorra

Tootmine : Gorilla Media

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There was a couple of instances over the course of _The House with a Clock in Its Walls_, particularly early on, that had my hopes up, but by the end? God I was so disappointed. The lead is not a great actor (often a trouble when you have to cast young), and the effects are pretty bad. The worst thing though is that _Clock in Its Walls_ can't keep its story straight, which is a pretty unforgivable sin when it's your own story. Like, you set the rules here, why are you going out of your way to break them for nothing?

_Final rating:★½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible._
I was surprise about how much I enjoy this film. Jack Black and Cate Blanchett are great together in this film. The film felt like a 80s kids horror film. I would love to see more films with these characters. There are a few poop jokes which were the worst part of the film (but these jokes seem to be expected in modern kids films). I feel like this film would have cult film status in a few years.


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